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Sunflower Yoga Fitness Center

Stretch, Breathe and Focus (Jean-Yves Boulard)*$5 drop-in or use your class card *BYOBB bring your own brown bag lunch, optional.

June 12, 2024

Do you need a recharging break after spending the morning on the phone, sitting in front of the computer or dealing with customers/clients? If your answer is yes, then Stretch, Breath, and Focus might be a good mid-day class for you!

Stretch, Breathe, and Focus is neither an exercise nor a yoga class, and you won't sweat. Rather, it combines simple movements everyone can do, deep breathing, and focused attention. This 30-minute class will restore your inner calm preparing you to handle the demands of your afternoon tasks. Come in comfortable work clothes, and  stay to eat your brown bag lunch afterward if you like.

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